• Panoramic of Cable John Cove, Newfoundland 20439 visits , Rating: 4.41 Panoramic of Cable John Cove, Newfoundland
  • Wild Beach, Jean de Baie 5148 visits , Rating: 4.34 Wild Beach, Jean de Baie
  • Kings Cove, Newfoundland 10821 visits , Rating: 4.34 Kings Cove, Newfoundland
  • Cable John Cove, Newfoundland 9080 visits , Rating: 4.25 Cable John Cove, Newfoundland
  • Bay de Verde and Quinlan Brothers Plant 9336 visits , Rating: 4.25 Bay de Verde and Quinlan Brothers Plant
  • Rencontre Wharf and Launch 5964 visits , Rating: 3.97 Rencontre Wharf and Launch
  • Clear Water in St. Lawrence 5670 visits , Rating: 3.97 Clear Water in St. Lawrence
  • James Cove, Newfoundland 7545 visits , Rating: 3.97 James Cove, Newfoundland
  • James Cove, Newfoundland 5922 visits , Rating: 3.97 James Cove, Newfoundland
  • Random Passage, New Bonaventure, Newfoundland 9668 visits , Rating: 3.97 Random Passage, New Bonaventure, Newfoundland
  • Fort Point, Trinity, Newfoundland 12054 visits , Rating: 3.97 Fort Point, Trinity, Newfoundland
  • Chair and Stove 8124 visits , Rating: 3.97 Chair and Stove
  • Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia 9393 visits , Rating: 3.97 Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia
  • Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia 9966 visits , Rating: 3.57 Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia
  • Manic-Cinq Dam from Below 6616 visits , Rating: 3.57 Manic-Cinq Dam from Below
  • Manic-Cinq Dam, Quebec 8617 visits , Rating: 3.57 Manic-Cinq Dam, Quebec
  • Route 389, Quebec 5723 visits , Rating: 3.57 Route 389, Quebec
  • Point Amour Lighthouse, L'Anse Amour, Labrador 9835 visits , Rating: 3.57 Point Amour Lighthouse, L'Anse Amour, Labrador
  • Ferolle Point Lighthouse, New Ferolle, Newfoundland 9916 visits , Rating: 3.57 Ferolle Point Lighthouse, New Ferolle, Newfoundland
  • Point Riche Lighthouse, Port au Choix, Newfoundland 9810 visits , Rating: 3.57  Point Riche Lighthouse, Port au Choix, Newfoundland
  • Two Boats, Rencontre East 5634 visits , Rating: 3.18 Two Boats, Rencontre East
  • Boat Launch 5814 visits , Rating: 3.18 Boat Launch
  • Greenland Shore 3404 visits , Rating: 3.18 Greenland Shore
  • Rock Harbour, Newfoundland 5179 visits , Rating: 2.80 Rock Harbour, Newfoundland
  • Harbour Mille, Newfoundland 6346 visits , Rating: 2.80 Harbour Mille, Newfoundland
  • Petit Forte, Newfoundland 5003 visits , Rating: 2.80 Petit Forte, Newfoundland
  • Country Road and North River Road 3124 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3154 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3216 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3136 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3076 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3062 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3095 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 2985 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3072 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3072 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3138 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3068 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3027 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3092 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3011 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3047 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3105 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3078 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3169 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3049 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3146 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 2993 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road to Valley Road 3228 visits Country Road to Valley Road
  • Country Road and North River Road 3212 visits Country Road and North River Road
  • Country Road to Valley Road 3002 visits Country Road to Valley Road
  • Country Road to Valley Road 3013 visits Country Road to Valley Road
  • Country Road to Valley Road 3023 visits Country Road to Valley Road
  • Country Road to Valley Road 3028 visits Country Road to Valley Road
  • Country Road to Valley Road 2987 visits Country Road to Valley Road
  • Country Road to Valley Road 2958 visits Country Road to Valley Road
  • Country Road to Valley Road 2915 visits Country Road to Valley Road
  • Country Road to Valley Road 3064 visits Country Road to Valley Road
  • Country Road to Valley Road 2931 visits Country Road to Valley Road
  • Country Road to Valley Road 3165 visits Country Road to Valley Road
  • Country Road to Valley Road 3132 visits Country Road to Valley Road
  • Country Road to Valley Road 3122 visits Country Road to Valley Road
  • Country Road to Valley Road 3072 visits Country Road to Valley Road
  • Country Road to Valley Road 2893 visits Country Road to Valley Road
  • Country Road to Valley Road 2892 visits Country Road to Valley Road
  • Country Road to Valley Road 2864 visits Country Road to Valley Road
  • Full Speed Ahead 3614 visits Full Speed Ahead
  • The Scattered Puddle 3825 visits The Scattered Puddle
  • The Soft Ground Mid-Trial 3577 visits The Soft Ground Mid-Trial
  • The Turnaround Point 3552 visits The Turnaround Point
  • Muddy Section 3582 visits Muddy Section
  • Way Easier Than It Appears 3573 visits Way Easier Than It Appears
  • Puddle Jumping Expert 3619 visits Puddle Jumping Expert
  • Tractor Tires Help 3626 visits Tractor Tires Help
  • Not Stuck 3540 visits Not Stuck
  • In My Element 3573 visits In My Element
  • Bob Enjoying the Trail 3535 visits Bob Enjoying the Trail
  • Flies As Big As Birds 3610 visits Flies As Big As Birds
  • The Second Quarter Trail 3569 visits The Second Quarter Trail
  • Another View of the Rest Stop 3606 visits Another View of the Rest Stop